You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey.
You: fuck
Stranger: haha
You: *smashes your windpipe with my cock*
Stranger: haha fuck you then lol
You: *fucks your bellybutton*
Stranger: haha what the hells wrong with you haha
You: *pulls out my eyes, without severing the optic nerves*
You: *shoves them up your ass*
Stranger: Haha
Stranger: hahaha
You: *your anus is coarse on my eyestalks*
Stranger: hahahah your fucked up
You: *bites the head of your dick off*
Stranger: hahahah what the fuck?
You: i can do much worse
Stranger: haha sure u can, try me
You: brb getting some farm animals, power tools and prickly plants
Stranger: hahahahaha
Stranger: ur sooooo fucked up
You: *rips your dick off*
You: *chews off whats left*
You: *pours acid in*
Stranger: hahaha
You: *lifts you up, letting the acid pour into my asshole*
Stranger: what the fuck? Haha
You: *shoves a tube up your ass, then puts an angry ferret inside*
Stranger: hahahahahahaha I justchoked
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
omegle ftw