Someone PM'ed this to me.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi!
You: hi
Stranger: Looking for smart ppls.
Stranger: Ya smart?
You: Yes.
Stranger: Really smart?
You: They're walking their dog over there.
Stranger: They are?
You: supercalifragilisticexpealidocious
Stranger: Okay, I believe.
You: antidisestablishmentarianism
You: ._.
Stranger: floccinaucinihilipilification.
You: nice
Stranger: Okay, so we're equal.
Stranger: Although I think my vocabulary is almost unmatched ;)
Stranger: What do you do for a living?
You: Sit on a computer.
You: Slowly dying of hunger.
Stranger: Okay, me too.
Stranger: What are your hobbies and such?
Stranger: How come half the smart people won't say ANYTHING about themselves?
You: Computers.
Stranger: You PEOPLE, open up a bit.
Stranger: Computers -- computer engineering? Computer science? High school student?
You: You're a rare person. A smart person on the nternet.
You: internet*
Stranger: Aww, that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!
You: :D
Stranger: Seriously.
Stranger: So, tell me SOMETHING.
You: Like what?
Stranger: Like what you DO.
Stranger: Vocationally.
Stranger: Professionally.
You: .....
Stranger: Student?
You: Yes.
Stranger: High school student?
Stranger: Wow, how did I guess?
Stranger: No really...
Stranger: Like, I don't even know.
Stranger: It just came to me.
Stranger: I must be a genius.
You: Um..okay...
Stranger: Okay, are you going on to college soon?
Stranger: Aspirations?
Stranger: Hope and dreams?
You: College=/=soon
Stranger: No hopes or dreams?
Stranger: I see, so you're very young.
You: You have no idea :D
Stranger: I'm now going to begin calling you 'kid', if that's alright.
Stranger: Eh, perhaps I do.
You: Guess my age.
Stranger: 12.
Stranger: :P
Stranger: Close?
You: Close.
Stranger: Bam.
You: 11.
Stranger: That took a while to type.
Stranger: So middle school for you.
You: Nope.
You: 5th grade right now.
Stranger: Must be a smart fifth-grader?
You: I get so sit around learning crap I already know.
Stranger: Enjoy the lack of work while you can.
You: While surrounded by 21 idiots raving over Twilight, Phineas and Ferb and the jonas brothers.
Stranger: Well, I know what one of those is.
You: And other stupid crap.
Stranger: Great, so you -- you must be cultured?
You: They all act retarded.
You: I guess...
Stranger: It's so sad :'(
Stranger: Okay, tell me something important to you.
Stranger: A cause.
Stranger: Issue or interest.
Stranger: Something.
You: Okay..
Stranger: Are you thinking?
You: No.
You: Watching TV.
Stranger: Okay, WELL...
Stranger: I'm such an incredibly impatient person.
Stranger: It's sad really.
Stranger: Did you tell me something of interest or did I miss it?
You: Oh, nope.
You: I'll do that now.
Stranger: I recommend it :D
You: Computers.
You: TV.
You: Video games.
Stranger: Facetious fifth-grader too.
Stranger: I'll give this one last shot.
Stranger: Tell me a hobby.
Stranger: Or a good book you've read.
Stranger: Either will do :)
You: Okay.
You: A good book.
You: Crash
Stranger: Okay.
Stranger: Now... I think I'll let you watch TV.
Stranger: So, you know, stay in school.
Stranger: Just say NO :D
Stranger: K?
You: ....yeah.
Stranger: Thankee! See ya!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.